Lab for User Cognition & Innovative Design

Research / Current Projects

2022 > 2025 JUMENGI


L’objectif de JUMENGI est de mettre au point et de valider une méthode d’exploitation et de maintenance via le "jumeau numérique" du bâtiment, focalisé dans un premier temps sur la performance énergétique.

Concrètement, il s’agit d’apporter des réponses aux questions suivantes :

  • De quoi doit se composer un jumeau numérique en phase d’exploitation ?
  • Comment l'exploiter pour passer d’une approche traditionnelle de maintenance réactive à une maintenance prédictive ?
  • Comment les outils de la GMAO et les données en temps réel de l'IoT peuvent-ils alimenter utilement une maquette BIM-design incomplète (LOD 200) ?
  • Comment interopérer avec des simulateurs et des optimiseurs énergétiques pour alimenter un BIM d’exploitation ?
  • Comment exploiter les données multi-sources du BIM au service du facility management énergétique, visantl’identification de défauts, de dérives des installations et de planification d’intervention ?

2022 > 2025 LetsLink


Les partenaires du projet LetsLink ont décidé d'unir leurs forces pour proposer le hub digital LETSLINK qui fait le pont entre les outils des processus de conception et ceux des processus d'exécution afin

  • de simplifier l'échange d'informations par des techniques d’intégration simplifiées (techniques dites de no-code) sans changer les habitudes de chacun,
  • de centraliser les données du projet tout en les conservant à la source (accès unifié),
  • et d’automatiser, à travers les données disponibles, les prises de décision.

  • Budget: Pôle Greenwin 2743k€
  • Scientifical collaboration: Buildwise
  • Industrial collaboration: Cooperlink

Prix du poster ARCAN lors du 10ème séminaire de conception architecturale numérique, SCAN'22 - Ecosystème numérique
Plus d'infos...

2021 > 2024 SERENITY


SERENITY vise à favoriser la transition socio-technique de redistribution des rôles de fourniture/distribution/ consommation dans la dynamique d’ubérisation énergétique, en répondant aux questions fondamentales suivantes.

  • Au service de toute communauté énergétique : comment l'intégrer en tant qu’intervenant participatif dans un marché énergétique à disponibilité fluctuante ? Comment lui permettre d’établir ses objectifs et un contrôle de ses résultats, développer son capital d’acceptabilité dans le contexte de la smart city ?
  • Au service des gestionnaires énergétiques et régulateurs : comment décrire ces nouveaux profils de collectivité énergétique ? Comment les règles de rétribution potentielles influenceront-elles l’organisation et les comportements de ces communautés énergétiques ? Quels modèles de consommation s'annoncent pour les modèles de production émergents ?

2016 > 2021 UserMEDIA


The MEDIAFactory project focuses on the automation of (post-)production and distribution processes, and the insertion of digital data into changing value chains (interactive platforms, access and mobile and personalized content).

  • Budget: Wallonie 267k€ - FEDER 178k€

The CloudMEDIA project aims to design and develop a platform to support the production and intelligent processing of media in the broad sense.

  • Budget: Wallonie 224k€ - FEDER 149k€

For more information about those projects, please visit

2016 > 2021 Wal-E-Cities Smart Living

Smart Living

Facing socio-environmental and demographical issues, many cities opted for a “Smart City” strategy of development. In practice, many of the first ‘smart’ initiatives remain essentially focused on the introduction of new technologies, without considering their huge impact on the lives of the citizens.

Disregarding citizens’ needs and perceptions can yet potentially endanger the perennially of the global Smart City model, since people can decide to accept or reject some key ‘smart’ concepts or devices and have behavioral influence on their failure/success rate. In this research project, we therefore assume that the sustainability of our future cities is strongly related to end-users’ acceptability towards the introduction of new technologies into their daily-life urban environments.

The research project aims at developing methodologies and tools for sampling, data collection and processing that will (1) help better frame the needs of citizens in terms of well-being in urban environments; (2) enable citizen empowerment through revisited participatory and co-creative frameworks. The « user data » thus collected will complement environmental data additionally acquired through different physical sensors dispersed in the pilot sites as well as individual IoT physical sensors.

2016 > 2023 P@trimonia


A new approach for the appropriation of the cultural heritage : specification of a web-based management platform for geo-localized information valorizing architectural and imaterial heritages.
Implementation of a pilot operation to access heritage data in situ via any mobile terminal, favoring access to local culture.
Pilot progrramme along the Ibn Khaldoun historical and mediterranean route.
Defining the next step of heritage participation : extension to a participatory platform (P@trimonia 2.0).

  • Scientifical collaboration: University of Carthage, ENAU Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Tunis, PAEC3 Team
  • Citizen collaboration: Association E&M Edifices et Mémoires (Tunis, Bizerte, Mehdia)
  • Budget: operating budget, WBI Wallonie Bruxelles International, Région wallonnne and Gouvernement de la république tunisienne.

Since 2014 - SpatioData First spin-off

SpatioData First spin-off

Managing building-centric data has always been a real headache for owners, contractors and users of buildings.
As a matter of fact, Building Information Models (BIM) only addresses the major construction projects but when the job is complete, no one want to pay to keep the it up to date.

SpatioData is the Building Story Book, an integrated data base by which all actors around a building can interact. Based on a proprietary fuzzy logic model, this software platform pragmatically resolves the difficulties encountered when capturing and storing building-centric data.
SpatioData is a middleware platform able to collect and structure data from various source thanks to an API and web applications. This flexibility enables Internet of Things applications for buildings where sensors and actuators are present.

  • Scientifical collaborations: ULg Geomatics, UCL ICTEAM.
  • Industrial collaborations: NSI Software and IT, Neo & Idès, WSL, SpatioData sprl.
  • Budget: LUCID 300 k€, Région Wallonne

Since 2007 - Collaborative Studio

Collaborative Studio

The Remote Collaborative Studio is an architecture practical work wherein a project is designed by distant teams. The work groups are composed of students from two distincts teaching sites.

The objectives of the project are the development of a proposition of solution to an architectural question, and the learning of presential collaboration, and using communication technologies, including the digital desktop and the SketSha software, developped by the LUCID.

  • Scientifical collaborations: CRAI, Centre de Recherche en Architecture et Ingénierie, ENSA Nancy, Centre de Recherche Public Tudor, Luxembourg.
  • Budget: 3 k€ /year. University of Liège, CRAI - Centre de Recherche en Architecture et Ingénierie - ENSA Nancy, Centre de Recherche Public Tudor Luxembourg.

Since 2007 - SketSha


How to allow geographically distant teams to meet and work together on the same documents, just as if they were in the same room, around the same table ?

The SketSha software is a real-time distant collaborative design tool which allows documents and graphical annotations sharing. It allows users to quickly forget the system they are using, thanks to a very slight interface and natural interactions support, like pen-drawing.

  • Budget: the SketSha project is self-supported (many thanks to all LUCID contributors).

> Discover the SketSha web pages (in French) ...

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